Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mr Bean's 27 Dresses

Ok, ok, I'm sorry my ever so faithful readers... If there are any anymore. I have not blogged for... 21 days. That would be 3 weeks. Wow. I'm sorry! Ok... so I need to write about SOMETHING. Although I'm not exactly sure right now. Wait wait, give me a minute.

Ok! I'll tell you about this prank I played on my friend Trae. It all began... actually it all began with Phil and Jessie. They're this couple in my class that started dating about... oh, a month ago. Well, they're really cute together, and they agreed that they'd have to watch eachother's favorite movies together. Phil's favorite movie is 300, and Jessie's is The Notebook. Well, they watched 300 together, and Phil though that they were gonna watch The Notebook together while they were at the Rec Center. Instead, Jessie made him watch Dreamgirls.
(Do you see the personality differences? Hmm... Notebook vs 300?)

So we're at school talking about this incident, and I said I've only seen The Notebook once, and that's good for me. Trae said that he'd seen it once too, and that a girl had made him watch it with her. We were all laughing that he'd give in to waching that just because a girl made him... and here is where the story begins to build.
I had had a very boring weekend. I hadn't gone anywhere, hadn't done anything all weekend. To ward off boredom, I ended up watching 3 new movies:

27 Dresses, Mr Bean's Holiday, and Mamma Mia.
I was on Facebook, chatting with Trae, telling him about 27 dresses. He said it sounded gay, so I told him I would 'make' him watch it with me one day. He was like 'NO WAY', and I told him that if a girl could make him watch The Notebook, this was pie. He just 'lol'd and we kept on chatting. Then I told him I'd watched Mr Bean's Holiday, and he said that he'd been wanting to see that one. He asked me if I would lend it to him... I told him, "Mayyyybeeeee.... but only if you're super duper nice to me." Of course I would... muahhahahaha!!! (evil laughter!)

So, it's Sunday night. We live on the same compoud as the building we use for the English Evening Service. I was talking to Trae and his girlfriend Esther, and I asked him if he still wanted to borrow that movie. He said yeah, so the three of us started walking to my house. Well.... my little diabolical mind had been whirring...

When we got to my house, I did something so simple... so easy... so noticable - IF YOU WERE PAYING ATTENTION which Trae was not. I switched the DVDs. I stuck 27 Dresses into the Mr Bean case... and gave it to him. Why did I get so much pleasure out of this? Because he didn't notice until later that night when it was IN his computer and he was all settled down for a relaxing movie.

And what comes on? 27 Dresses!!! YES!!! I know, I know, juvenile, immature, pathetic, but HILARIOUS!!! =D I'm so mean.

But not that mean. I gave him the real movie the next day. =)


Philip Knowlton said...
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Anonymous said...

Well, things must not be too stressful there from the sound of it. With the uproar in Nigeria, I was concerned the folks in Niger might be worried. My father in law kept gasoline buried in his back yard when the family was there, in case the missionaries got into trouble and had to flee.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

I'm so sorry, chan! I missed this post somehow. Hrmph.
Well. I watched part of Mr. Bean's Holiday thing on youtube, it was really funneh. :D