Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Power of Prayer

To everyone who reads this blog, thanks so much for your support and prayers! Yesterday was hard... really hard. I'll say that I haven't cried like I did yesterday in a long time. I was really really hurt by this person, and I can say that things haven't been resolved... yet. I'm still praying really hard. I'm so thankful for all of you who commented or sent me e-mails of concern. It means so much to me. I'm doing so much better now, but there is still pain... somewhat understandably. I've been able to talk with my parents and some close friends about it, and they've helped me a lot.

I know now that the person who blew up at me was having a hard time with several things, and that it happened to be me who was standing in the line of fire when she pulled the trigger. It wasn't just me that set off her anger. Although I'm still not sure what it was that I did to set it off.

Anyways, please keep praying for me... It's school break so I'm not going to see her until Monday... but we're going to be living together for two weeks when school starts again. I'm not sure how that will run, so your prayers are appreciated. Also, please pray that God would give me his love and grace, because at times she's very hard to love. Pray that he'd give me patience and forgiveness as well. Also, if you can just pray for her! She needs it more than I do. Pray that God would show her his infinite love that passes all understanding - everything else will come from there. Please please pray - it's so powerful, and God has done so much through the power of prayer.

Thanks again everyone! God bless you so much!


CrimeSceneFairy said...

G'day, Mate
I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better. I'll pray for you!!

Philip Knowlton said...


Philip Knowlton said...

YOU need to blog about your trip to Benin.

Rita Loca said...

Feel free to share my post. I will be back to check out your blog.